For example, to access your root directory, essentially the file that houses all the files within your computer (including your local users), open a new shell in Terminal and write
cd /
*and press enterls
*and press enterYou will see in rudimentary form the core files within your computer.
In the afternoon we covered basic HTML and CSS to get everyone on even footing. We followed this exercise. The final goal of the project was to make the card
Gleaned knowledge:
Within terminal:
TAB auto completes any file name. godsend for long file names
position: absolute;
pushes an element to the farthest corner of the 0px; can be applied in tandem with position:absolute; to create some space between the "absolute" corner of the screen.
z-index: (number);
z-index creates layering between elements. if two elements are directly on top of one another, it becomes impossible for someone to browse over or click the element below. The higher the z-index, the closer to you!
makes a given property accessible via chrome
transform: rotateY(180deg)
flips an element along the y axis. To flip unit as if a card, apply to "front" and "back", :hover
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